Architectural view
Satalia Delivery is a last mile routing and scheduling solution providing optimised solutions for offering dynamic time slots to customers.
Our standard off-the-shelf solution comprises of three services:
Delivery Core API: get slots; create, amend, cancel, move orders; create, amend schedules; trip statuses; optimisation; retrieve execution plans. Core API documentation for integrations may be found here.
Satalia Routing Services: calculate travel matrices for planning; calculate ETAs for orders en-route.
Delivery Control Room: UI for reviewing schedules and manual intervention (when needed); operational resource management (depots, vehicles, drivers, shifts); scheduling process configurations (objective, cut offs, reloads etc.); overview of execution progress (gather events and orchestrate ETA updates); system users and permissions management.
Scalability & Reliability
Our solution is developed for the cloud. Serverless technologies and Kubernetes based tools automatically scale services up/down. Applications are scaled horizontally and vertically to cope with increased loads.