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2023 October-December

Version 2.53.0 (released 21st November, 2023)


  • [Control Room] Implemented a new feature enabling the selection of specific zones where vehicles can either deliver or restrict orders. More about this feature you can read on Territory management page.

Version 2.52.0 (released 16st November, 2023)


  • [Control Room] From now you can efficiently import existing shift pattern assignments to a temporary shift pattern, enhancing the speed of this action.

Version 2.51.0 (released 31st October, 2023)


  • [Control Room] All trips are now visible in the move modal after search in the Schedule page.

  • [Control Room] Shift filter parameters stay active when switching from calendar view to detailed day’s view and vice versa on the Shifts page.


  • [Control Room] Changing depot will no longer make list of vehicles, speed profiles and drivers disappear in their respective pages.

  • [Control Room] Depot page no longer crashes when attempting to edit depot which has regeneration disabled.

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