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How do you refresh the Schedule page?

There is a ‘Refresh Schedule’ button on the top bar menu in the Schedule page - it collates the most up-to-date schedule information. You’ll also see a time indicator which tells you when the last time you refreshed this page was.

How do you download a manifest for trip(s)?

This can be done by downloading a CSV file from the Schedule page. Note that only selected trips will be included.

How do you view trips with relevant flags in the Schedule page?

On the Schedule page, there is a flag filter. Select one from the drop-down menu. All trips that have that flag will then be filtered.

Once an order is assigned to a trip, can it change the trip before or after finalisation?

It might change any time before and during finalisation, but it will not change after finalisation. Flags can be used to narrow down where a change could happen – i.e. if the order and set of vehicles have the same flag, the order can go only in those vehicles.

Are there KPIs available for the schedule/trips?

Schedule and trip metrics can be found on the Gantt view page. Multiple metrics are available, including: orders count, distance in KM, drive duration, shift duration, used duration, unused duration, idle duration, service duration, loading duration and constraints. Metrics are aggregated for the selected trips. These metrics are meant to support day to day operations.

What are events in the Schedule page and how to use them?

An event is an action that is performed during a trip execution. Most often they indicate an action your driver made, for example the shift started and ended, loading started and ended, arrival to the order location, order completed or skipped. In the system those events are displayed on the map and in the list format for inspection of trip execution. To activate events functionality, you need to integrate our Events API with your trip execution solutions.

How can I investigate which route the driver took?

In the Schedule page, select a trip of interest and enable ‘Actual Route Filter’ on the map - GPS pings will be displayed. Note: this will only work if the events feature has been enabled and location pings from the device in the vehicle are being sent to the system.

What does cost mean in slots response?

Fundamentally, it represents the cost to serve an order. The higher the cost, the more expensive it is for the business to deliver it – i.e. a trip will have longer travel time or distance, work hours etc.


How do you find an order by its ID?

You can search by order ID in both the Schedule and Orders pages. You can search orders across multiple depots, by selecting ‘Depots of Interest’ in the drop-down menu on the Schedule page.

How do you find the ETA of a specific order?

An ETA is visible on the activities card on the Schedule page for every order. Search by order ID to find an ETA for a specific order.

Why won’t some orders schedule?

There could be multiple reasons for this. For example, a certain time slot is not available, there is no space in the vehicles, the order has a specific flag and there are no vehicles with that flag, or there are other higher priority orders. You can learn more about this here.

How do you schedule unscheduled orders?

It depends on the circumstances and the reason why the order was not scheduled. For example, if the order doesn't fit due to a time slot, you can adjust it until the order is auto-scheduled. If the flags do not match, check if there are any trips with the required flags and if there are any remaining capacity in those trips. If other higher priority orders are taking all the space, increase the priority of the order of interest until optimisation prioritises it over others. You can discover more about this here.

Can I see the type (pickup, drop off or service) of the order on the map?

In the map, orders are represented by icons. The following icons detail the type of order:

  • Icon with arrow up - pick up type

  • Icon with arrow down - drop off type

  • Icon with arrow up and down - exchange type

  • Service is marked as a red dot

What is the configured value for the maximum distance from a store that a customer will be served?

There is no maximum distance configured. When a ‘Get Available Slots’ request is made, the system checks if any of the trips have enough time to travel the distance. In some cases no vehicles will be able to do it, meaning no available slots will be returned.


Why doesn’t the system use all available vehicles?

In simple terms, the optimisation objective is tuned to schedule all orders (when possible) while using the least amount of vehicles. So if all feasible orders can be delivered with just a portion of the vehicles, the system will always prefer not to use all the vehicles.

Is the system configured to use grams for delivery weight in the vehicles?

You have the ability to configure the capacity of vehicles as needed. If vehicle capacity is set in KG, you should use KG for orders. If capacity is in grams, use grams for orders.

What does speed profile ratio mean?

This details how travel time is impacted, with values on a sliding scale. For example, value 0.1 means that travel times are reduced by 10 times. Value 2 means that travel times are increased by 2 times. It’s useful when we know that traffic congestion occurs at certain times of the day. It enables you to increase or decrease the average vehicle speed depending on the situation.

What is break and reload activity type?

Break and reload means that the driver/vehicle will have a break at the reload location. The system will treat the same activity as a driver break and also a reload for the vehicle.


How do I delete a depot?

For safety reasons the depot can only be deleted via a dedicated eraser API (ask your IT for support). In the depot page there is a service which generates a unique code required to activate the eraser API.

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