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Introducing shift patterns

Shift patterns have been introduced via Control Room v2 and present a new and easier way of managing shifts. 

The example below details the scenario where one shift pattern with the same shift settings has four vehicles assigned to it. This saves operators time, enabling dozens of shifts with the same configurations to be managed simultaneously.

The key benefits of using shift patterns include: 

  • Shift settings only need to be filled out once, with multiple vehicles able to be assigned to the same shift creating a more efficient workflow. 

  • Once a new vehicle is added to the fleet, users simply need to find the relevant shift pattern and add the new vehicle. Orders can now be planned for this trip. 

  • If any shift configurations need to change – whether introducing shorter working hours or extending loading duration for example – this only needs to be done once. The changes will automatically apply to all of the assignments. 

  • It is simple to view a visual representation of the shifts. In shift patterns, all similar assignments are grouped together under one line and distinctly coloured in both the calendar view and the list view.

For varied use cases and to offer maximum flexibility, you can create different types of shift patterns. These include regular, temporary and days off.

Shift patterns can be managed via the list view. Assignments for all shift patterns on a selected day can be viewed via the calendar view.

To discover more about the benefits and features of shift patterns discover how to: Create regular shifts, Create temporary shifts, and Create days off.

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